Before peer reviewing Lateria Smiley's Blog Post #2, I tried to decide whether to peer review on her page directly where the public could see, or whether I should email or message her privately. I feel that peer review is a great way to keep one another accountable with grammar, clarity, and overall writing quality. Publicly reviewing Lateria's blog post I felt, was a great way to let her know what I was thinking, and to let others read the review. I enjoyed reading her post, she had some wonderful thoughts!
Technology in Special Education
After watching the video, Technology in Special Education, it is clear to see that technology is making a great difference in Special Education. Without technology in the classroom, classroom activities can become difficult, and technology helps this area of difficulty in many ways. Communication is one area that technology makes easier and more efficient. Some students cannot speak clearly or have trouble expressing ideas. With a computer or activity pad, the students can type out words to make sentences to communicate more effectively.
Also, technology makes assignments easier and time efficient for students. Some students that might have motor problems will take more time with written work. With a portable mouse that can be pointed to letters, the student can do his or her work twice as fast has if they had dome it by hand. The students in this video not only are excited about the technology, they value it. They see the purpose of making their assignments faster and more efficient, and they know that they are gaining valuable experience for the future.
As a future educator, I would see that all my students understand the technology and the use of it in the classroom. For special needs children in my classroom, I would make sure that my students can use the technology effectively, and make sure that they can benefit from it. I know that with technology in the classroom, it will open a door for a better relationship between students and teachers in regards to classwork experiences, and communication.
How the iPad Works With Academics for Autism
After watching the video, How the iPad Works With Academics for Autism, it was neat to see how big a role the iPad can play in education for children with autism and other special needs. I browsed the Apple website for apps that I feel that I could use in my classroom with special needs students. One of the apps that I found was the Fish School in HD app. This app allows students to recognize letters, shapes, and numbers by the colorful fish that form them. This would be a great app to include in classroom activities for students with special needs because of the bright colors, cute fish, and fun scenery that this app has to offer.
Gary Hayes Social Media Count
Gary Hayes' website, Gary's Social Media Count was full of overwhelming facts! After watching the numbers rise on social media joins, tweets, new accounts, searches, and many other things, let's say I had a bit of a headache. Mr. Hayes has opened my eyes to the virtual world- which is really becoming the real world. As a future educator, I see that technology is all around, and it is not going anywhere! This will effect my career in many ways. Not only will the classroom look different in many ways in regards to the teaching methods, but the students themselves will have an understanding of the technology around them, and how they can use it effectively. I as a student and future educator will strive to keep myself educated on the technology that is, and is to come.
Michael Wesch- A Vision of Students Today
Michael Wecsh, along with Anthropology students at the University of Kansas constructed a video,
A Vision of Students today, that gave me chills. The students held up signs to describe certain things related to the education of today that they are engaged in. Some students held up papers stating how many hours they spent on facebook, youtube, and other Internet sites. Some students held up papers explaining that they spend hundreds of dollars on textbooks that they will never open. This video would send a strong message to educators, professors, and heads of schools.If I were in a authoritative position in the education system, I would be disturbed by this video. Who knew old fashioned education techniques don't work? The students in this video made it sound like the classroom is a torture chamber. (Although as a student, we all think that sometimes.) I feel that professors would see this video and see that there is a wake up call that needs to be made in the way we educate students.
Hey Lindsay! Once again I really enjoyed reading your blog. I thought it was cool that you put in a picture for every video. I agree with you on the ipads in the autistic rooms at schools. My high school has some in theirs and the children really enjoy learning because to them it's just a game. I also agree with you on the last video. I believe as a future educator we have to learn from not only our mistakes but the mistakes of those before us. This video helped to open up that to me. Thank you again for such and interesting post!